Public Assistance Programme (PAP)

Objectives of the Programme|

What is Public assistance?

The theory or practice of providing economic security and social welfare for the poor, vulnerable, disabled and elderly through government programs maintained by moneys from public taxation.

What is the procedure by which one gets put on the Programme?

Requests for monthly assistance are made at the Ministry of Social Transformation, Local Government and Community Empowerment  in the following ways:

  1. Persons come to the Division to request assistance for themselves and or another person.
  2. An Intake form is then filled out by individuals with the assistance of a Welfare officer .
  3. The Administrative Welfare Officer then runs the information through the targeting SL-NET  programme. A score is then produced therefore determining  the classification of vulnerability. Individuals can either be poor or Indigent . Representations are also made to Welfare Officers during their normal duties. This could occur when an Officer is paying monthly assistance, or investigating other requests. Persons may also approach the Village Clerk or the Sub-Accountant through whom assistance is paid in the particular area. The next step would be Social Investigation.

What is Social Investigation?

For every request, an investigation is conducted into the social and economic circumstances of the potential beneficiary. This enquiry usually takes the form of a social investigation, which must include a visit to the home of the client. This visit is necessary because in some cases, the appearance and contents of the place of abode may indicate a situation, which might not be revealed by the applicant nor envisaged by the Welfare Officer. Nevertheless, the possibility of discovering from an office interview whether or not an individual is in need is not ruled out.




Eligibility Criteria

To ensure that the selection of beneficiaries is transparent and objective, the Government of Saint Lucia developed a proxy means test, which is to be used for selection of beneficiaries under the PAP and othersocial assistance programmes.


Targeting Process

The Programme is aimed at assisting the poorest and most vulnerable of the population, and therefore targets all the poor households.  The targeting process is aimed at identifying and registering qualified applicants.The targeting is done by the applicant completing a Targeting Questionnaire at the Parish Office.However, this may also be undertaken at designated centres, communities or within homes of the elderly or disabled.


Verification Process for Applicants

New applicants who qualify via the BIS in the first scoring will be verified by Social Workers.   The verification process may bring about changes in the applicants status, therefore, upon completion of the verification process, the scoring formula is re-applied to determine if applicants maintain the requisite score for benefits under the Programme.


Re-Verification Process and spot checks for new Applicants

New PAP beneficiary households are re-verified by the Welfare Offices who visit applicants in order to ensure transparency and accountability of the verification process. If eligible, application is processed otherwise terminated.

Have a Look At


Public Assistance Programme Review Process

Reviews are done bi-annually from September 1st to September 30th|

"Beneficiaries of Health Grants are required to register in a Government Health Centre and maintain a prescribed schedule of visits. The schedule is determined by the beneficiary’s age and benefit category."